Dying in the Lord

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Monday 9 September, 2019

Dying in the Lord

“Then I heard a voice from heaven say, ‘Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on… they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them (Revelation 14:13, NIV)

Death as many natural scientists may say is the cessation of life. However, there is more to death than merely it being the termination of life, especially if one dies in the Lord. Knowing quite well that to die in Christ Jesus is not simply the end of life, in his letter to the Christians in Philippi, Apostle Paul wrote; ‘For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain’ (Philippians 1:21). Similarly, it has been observed in a psalm that ‘Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his faithful servant (Psalm 116:15, NIV).

Brethren, the death of a human being is not to be seen as equal to that of a dog. At least if the death process is somewhat similar, the after death is not. A human being is destined to a life after death and the type and quality of the hereafter life depends on whether one has died in the Lord or not. A sinful man who dies while in a rebellion against God will be condemned to eternal hell (John 5:28-30) but a faithful servant of the Lord is destined to eternal life where he will rest from his labor (Rev. 14:13).

This is no myth, it is a reality. No human philosophy should deceive you that life after death is a mythos. Heaven and hell are real. Believe or disbelieve in the reality of heaven or hell doesn’t add or subtract anything from either. You either believe to faithfully walk in Christ, die in the Lord and live to rest from your labor or disbelieve and suffer in eternal fire.

However, God is not pleased to have a sinner die in rebellion. For God loves the world (John 3:16) that he would everyone to believe in his Son Jesus Christ to have eternal life. Believe in the Lord Jesus today and live as his faithful servants to the end i.e. die in the Lord and you will surely rest from your labor.

Prayer: Lord God, sustain my faith in you through Christ Jesus and in your appointed time, let me die in the Lord. Amen!

Rev. J

Rev. Julius I. Tabi is a Dean of Students’ Affairs at Uganda Christian University Arua Campus. He is an ordained minister in the Anglican Diocese of Ma’di and West Nile (Church of Uganda) and serves as chaplain at Ushindi Secondary School in Arua. Julius is a student of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at Bishop Tucker School of Divinity and Theology of Uganda Christian University. He holds a Master of Philosophy in Religion, Society and Global Issues at MF Norwegian School of Theology. Prior to his pastoral training, Julius trained as a high school Biology and Chemistry teacher. You may reach him by completing the form below.

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